There are a lot of people that have heard of downtown Seattle acupuncture. Not everyone knows a lot of information about this holistic modality, but you need to know more information about it. There are many common questions that are going to be answered here so you can learn helpful information about this treatment.
That will help you decide if this is a treatment you want to try for yourself and the chronic health issue you live with daily.
One: Is acupuncture going to hurt?
The answer is no, in fact, most people that have this treatment done become so relaxed during it that they fall asleep. The acupuncture needles that are used are not typical needles. They are designed to go into specific places in your body with a dull pressure or tingling but no pain. After they are placed in the correct spots on your body, you won’t even feel them there after a while.
Two: Is this treatment safe?
This is a treatment that is safe for everyone. It is a natural treatment that uses what you already have in your body, meridians, and chi to make the treatment effective. There are no medications needed for this treatment to work effectively and it can also be used in conjunction with other types of treatments you may be using without problems to help with your chronic health issue.
Three: How many treatments will be needed?
This is something you need to speak to an acupuncturist about, but everyone is going to vary on the number of treatments needed. There are some factors such as, the severity of your health issue, how long you have had it, and the health issue you are dealing with.
For many health issues, the number of treatments can range from five to fifteen treatments for chronic conditions. If the health issue is degenerative, this may require more treatments over time. Each person will vary, so the best way to get an accurate answer to this is to speak directly to an acupuncturist.
Four: What types of health conditions is this treatment effective for?
There are a lot of different types of health conditions that acupuncture will help. To name a few now, arthritis, bronchitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraines and other headaches, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, respiratory disorders, food allergies, menstrual problems, urinary tract infections, depression, anxiety, insomnia, addictions and so many more.
It is smart for you to take time to talk to an acupuncturist that is near your home or work about this treatment. They will be able to answer any other questions you have and will also be able to address any concerns you have.
Now that you know these commonly asked questions, and the answer for each one, you can make an informed decision about trying this treatment for yourself. Just take time to talk to an acupuncturist before making your final decision, that way you can make the final decision about this treatment that you are really confident about.